Stay Competitive With Conveyor Belt Upgrades

 In Blog, Conveyor Installation, Production Upgrade

What’s the hardest working piece of industrial equipment in your business? If your industry’s productivity depends on efficient material handling, the conveyor is probably a perennial frontrunner for your company’s MVP award.

Conveyer Belts: The Key to Automation

What makes a conveyor so valuable? It reduces the time and labor needed to complete tasks. Conveyor belts speed the production of cars, make picking and packing easier and move mountains of raw materials quickly and efficiently.

Because they often run continuously, conveyor belts need to be built to last. If your conveyors are less than stellar, upgrading them could sharpen your company’s competitive edge.

Is Your Conveyor Up to the Job?

How do you know if you need a replacement? If a conveyor falls short in any of the following areas, it’s a sign your system needs either repair or replacement.

  • Durability: The conveyor system should be constructed with high-grade materials and components. Materials and design will differ depending on the environment and application. A belt used in food production differs from that used in mining. Many belts are constructed with layers of rubber or plastic. High-quality materials last longer and reduce the risk of breakdowns.
  • Heat resistance: Belts that are in continuous, or near continuous use, must have a high resistance to heat. Some manufacturing environments are hot. In these scenarios, specialized materials may be required to withstand extremes in temperatures.
  • Correct pre-tension: All belts need tension to run properly. A low pre-tension, or stretching before installation, reduces the chance of slippage when the belt is under a load. The ideal percentage of stretching or elongation will depend on various factors. An incorrectly tensioned belt leads to breakdowns.
  • Uniform thickness: Belts should have uniform thickness along their entire length. An uneven depth means the belt has areas of weakness. That can lead to excessive or uneven stretching. Belts manufactured from high-quality materials should not only start with a uniform thickness, but should be able to resist uneven stretching. Inconsistent thickness leads to breakdowns and unpredictable performance.
  • Stability: Industrial conveyor belts must remain stable in varying temperatures and environmental conditions. If a belt is used outdoors, it has to be efficient in all types of weather. Outdoor conditions differ greatly from one area to another. The weather of Missouri is different from that of North Dakota. Conveyors should be designed with consideration of specific environmental conditions.

Work With Missouri’s Expert in Conveyor Installation

Conveyors are crucial to efficient production. Storee’s expert crew helps you achieve maximum efficiency with conveyor repair and installation. Contact us for more information and to schedule a site visit.