Safety is one of the top concerns for today’s manufacturers.

Protecting the well-being of your employees is paramount. The lack of factory safety controls may present a costly risk to your profitability through lost productivity, fines, and, potentially, lawsuits. Each year nearly 690,000 manufacturing workers become injured or sick at work, resulting in a total cost of approximately $156 billion.


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Employees may be exposed to a variety of workplace hazards, but without a thorough facility review, these may go undetected. The most common injuries at manufacturing sites are slips and falls, especially in unprotected areas. According to OSHA estimates, the total cost for each worker injured from a fall is at least $50,000. OSHA further estimates that for every $1 you spend in safety improvements, you can save $1.90 in overall manufacturing costs.

Read: Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards Are Costly

Failure to comply with workplace safety regulations can be extremely risky. Some manufacturers have been forced to pay multi-million dollar fines for non-compliance following accidents resulting in injury or death. One incident can force a company into bankruptcy or, at the very least, drain the profit from your products. By being proactive, you not only prevent workplace injuries, but you also reduce your exposure to safety compliance mistakes. You may be able to lower your worker’s compensation insurance costs as well.

READ: Upgrade to Better Material Handling Safety

…for every $1 you spend in safety improvements, you can save $1.90 in overall manufacturing costs…

The following remedies will protect your investment and significantly reduce common manufacturing accidents:


  • Installing safety guardrails and handrails on all elevated areas
  • Ensuring catwalks, cross-overs, and ladders eliminate worker exposure to moving equipment
  • Covering or restricting holes and openings to reduce the potential for falls
  • Requiring the use of proper fall protection devices
  • Installing equipment safety shut-offs and equipment guarding
  • Protecting pedestrian walkways from spills and industrial traffic

READ: Eliminate Worry With Safe Work Practices

Other hazards that can be handled by your plant safety contractor include electrical, ventilation, and equipment risk exposure. In addition, product contamination or product safety issues not only tarnish your reputation, they can present health risks to your customers. Product contamination may also carry legal exposure, including criminal charges. Installing new drainage improvements and waste management systems will eliminate bacteria, pests, and other contaminant sources from your production areas. Plant sanitation can be improved through installation of stainless steel trench drains, doors, stairways, catwalks and equipment platforms as well as completion of flooring upgrades using acid proof and microbiological control materials.

Obtaining a complete safety assessment and upgrading your facility to meet strict worker safety and product contamination requirements can be cost effectively achieved with an outside contractor.

As your plant safety contractor, Storee will review your facility for safety concerns, prioritize project risks and improvement costs, and complete safety upgrades with limited plant interruption to improve your safety and contaminant exposure without stopping your production schedule.

Whether you need fabrication and installation of factory safety controls, stainless steel replacements to deteriorating building components, or new construction to protect your manufacturing facility, Storee will help you prioritize your safety improvements and complete the work quickly and efficiently to reduce your exposure to the growing costs of compliance failure.

For more information, contact us at 888-736-2032.

To find out more about us, meet our staff, or to request your free priority assessment, contact us at 888-736-2032.