Reelers and de-reelers are an ideal material handling solution for working with, transporting, and storing certain pliable materials and equipment. When used with chains, ropes, wires, cables, and more, reelers make it easy to pull out the appropriate amounts without kinking, backlash, or stretching the materials.

Reelers keep the products up off the ground, making it easier to measure and cut specific lengths when working with cable reels and other materials. After a cut is made, the slack is easily rolled back onto the reel and out of the way. Custom solutions give you access to several sizes and types of materials for measuring and cutting.

De-Reelers for Equipment

When pneumatic tools are used, heavy-duty reelers/de-reelers make it easy to use hoses that carry compressed air to the equipment. In many automotive or equipment repair shops, the reelers can be installed overhead and designed to stay unspooled while in use. When done, spring-loaded reelers will then coil the hoses back into place and out of the way.

Reelers/de-reelers also make it much easier to deal with water hoses. Instead of coiling or uncoiling the hoses by hand over a hook, reelers make it easy to pull out as much hose as you need for your purposes. When finished, the hose is easily returned to place via a crank or automated system.

Different Types of De-Reelers/Reelers

Reelers can be made to handle spooled materials or can be manually fed depending on the style or motorized for more control. They are an efficient way to keep space available on the floor and workspaces and can be installed almost anywhere. There are bench-mounted, floor-mounted, and free-standing reelers as well as custom installations and use a variety of drive systems.

Collapsible Reelers
Collapsible reelers are designed to allow you to coil larger amounts of chain, cable, or rope and then remove the material from the reeler with ease. These reelers make it easy to tie off or wrap the materials before removal as well. These compact and orderly coils are ideal for electrical contractors.

Low Tension Reelers
Certain materials, such as fiber-optic cable or specialized tubing, need extra care when coiling. By providing constant tension and low force, low tension ensures there won’t be too much torque when reeling in these specific products. These reelers are usually automated to provide the right pressure throughout the process.

Turntable Reelers
While the other reelers feed vertically, turntable reelers have a horizontal configuration.

Multiple Station Reelers
These reelers give you the ability to work several different materials on the same reeler, ideal for working with or packaging many different cables or wires.

Compensating Reelers
For more consistent feeds when using wire cutters or cut and strip mechanisms. Compensating reelers prevents overruns during the process or working with appropriate materials.

Lifter Reelers
When working with very large spools, lifter reelers provide leverage that allows one or two individuals to work with the materials.

Dereeling systems are used in the oil and gas industry, mining, construction (electrical, plumbing, etc.), HVAC, and other industries. More modern reelers can be outfitted with error messaging, dancer arms, remote operation, and other automatic controls.

Industrial De-Reelers/Reeler Installation

Storee Construction has been working in the construction, industrial, and manufacturing industries, providing production upgrades in a variety of facilities. If you’re wondering how de-reelers can improve your workflow, or are interested in learning about other upgrades to your plant, contact us to see how we can help.

We perform complete facility audits to see where upgrades are needed, design-build solutions, and work around your schedule to reduce downtime. We look forward to working with you!