While there will always be a place for the human touch in manufacturing and industrial applications, automation brings more efficient, reliable, and in some cases safer production processes. From production to packaging to loading and unloading, automated maneuvers have been improving for decades.

The machines, however, are only as good as their programmers – the human touch we mentioned earlier. For programmable logic controller (PLC) systems, the human-machine interface (along with regular maintenance or service) is the difference between seamless integrations and copious amounts of downtime.

Storee Construction design-build PLC systems will allow you to automate processes in your facility. Tell us what you need and we’ll build the modules, racks, and more that operate your equipment for faster production. We build for your needs now and plan for any potential needs or growth.

Programmable Logic Controller Systems

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Systems allow for industrial automation and other manufacturing processes. They made their first appearances on the assembly lines of General Motors in the late 60s. But now the programmable devices can be found in other machines, robotic devices, and other mechanized equipment to improve efficiencies.

PLCs offer a very reliable way to program equipment in rugged conditions, either in a single case or as part of a larger system involving racks that allow for a series of modules to handle a variety of inputs and output devices that work in unison. For example, a single PLC may operate the up or down movement of a robotic arm, but several modules would help with motion control, process control, and other actions.

These systems require a programming device (handheld machines or even personal computers) that transfers the program to a flash drive or even a removable chip. That bit of hardware is then installed directly into the PLC. These programs can also be input via cloud or other networking software.

In most cases, PLC systems are self-contained, using their own power supply to prevent any failures in the middle of a process. Redundancies are also in place to prevent all out stoppage while still providing safety factors to prevent catastrophe. Systems are usually easy to program, using a ladder logic program to simplify matters for easier access.

Production Upgrade Experts

Along with automation designs, Storee Construction has spent the last sixty years designing production upgrades for food processing plants, manufacturing facilities, and other industrial plants. By incorporating the tried and true systems of years ago with the newest technologies, we improve your process and decrease downtimes.

Conveyor belts, palletizers, bucket elevators, and countless other applications, Storee Construction assesses your current operation and designs improvements – always with eye towards safety. Are you experiencing more downtime and slower production? Reach out to Storee Construction to see how we can help.