Commercial and industrial facilities often need a paint booth. An area of your facility dedicated to fast and efficient painting improves worker safety and makes your plant more efficient.

There are many kinds of paint booths. The products you make will determine the type of paint booth installation you need. Even a small paint booth requires exacting standards. Because the job of painting poses health and environmental hazards, regulations govern the proper construction of these units.

Paint Booth Installation Simplified

Like many production upgrades, paint booth installation involves a multitude of details. You may need several permits. Your plant’s utilities may need to be beefed up. Ductwork and ventilation must be sufficient.

Storee Construction has the capabilities for paint booth installation and to make the needed infrastructure modifications. We’ve been in business since 1966, and we’ve completed many successful paint booth installation jobs.

We always begin a project with a thorough assessment of your factory. We look at your production line and meet with you to understand your challenges and goals. We’ll come up with a plan that streamlines installation with a minimum of disruption to your employees.

When you work with Storee professionals, your paint booth is reliable and safe. Our work meets government regulations and will help your employees work efficiently.

Managing All Aspects

Storee’s proficiency as paint booth installers starts with an evaluation of the job. We partner with you to explore and define the scope of the work. With detailed planning, we’ll help you avoid cost overruns, last minute changes and missed deadlines.

Whatever the size, location or type of paint booth installation you need, Storee has the experience and skilled staff to handle the job.

Your Upgrade Partner

Storee is a family-owned commercial and industrial construction company that has been helping manufacturers since 1966.

We have the capabilities to install your paint booth no matter what type of business you run, including:

  • Machining
  • Remanufacturing
  • Injection molding plastics
  • Rotomold plastics
  • Material handling
  • Steel fabrication
  • Electric motor assembly
  • Battery manufacturing

At Storee, we practice a solution-based approach for paint booth installation and factory upgrades.

Call us today for a free priority assessment. 888-736-2032.