Concrete is the most commonly used construction material around the world, equalling all other materials combined by some estimations. It’s easy to work with, can be formed to any shape, and can last up to a century. Concrete structures in Rome have lasted for more than 2000 years!

Concrete won’t rust like steel, doesn’t rot like wood, and is much stronger than plastic. Concrete uses natural materials and processes that allow it to be made well before it’s needed. This means it’s ready for use when you need it. However, as durable as it is, it also takes a beating in industrial, manufacturing, and commercial applications.

Commercial Concrete Repair

Despite its durability, concrete can still come under disrepair. Concrete in older facilities may not have been made to withstand earthquakes. Concrete that wasn’t properly poured, reinforced, or allowed to cure will have a shortened lifespan. Human error can also be a factor as equipment or machinery can damage concrete surfaces.

Damaged concrete floors, crumbling utility vaults, and cracked foundations affect productivity and can cause major safety concerns. In addition to the concrete itself, electrical, plumbing, and other infrastructure could be in danger as well. Repairs could be much more involved than applying a patch.

Storee Construction is a concrete repair contractor based in Missouri that works all over the Midwest. We’ve been working with industrial, commercial, and manufacturing facilities for more than 50 years and take an overall view of the situation. Depending on how long the damage has been in place, service could go beyond minor crack repair.

We understand any amount of downtime can affect your financial bottom line. If repairing concrete can’t be performed without disrupting operations, we work “after hours” or when productivity is least affected. We believe in open lines of communication and will work closely with you to balance daily tasks, safety, and repair work.

Experienced Construction Contractors

Storee Construction is a full-service industrial and commercial construction outfit. We have experience with all aspects of large facilities, including new construction, production upgrades, metal fabrication, and plant relocations. We’ll take the time to learn about your plant inside and out before making any recommendations.

At Storee, safety is job one. If concrete damage jeopardizes safety in any way, we can take emergency action to secure the area. Accidents and injuries on the work floor cost billions of dollars every year in this country. We feel stopping production for a few hours is well worth it.

Are you noticing breaks in the facade of your building or ever-widening cracks on the work floor? Reach out to Storee Construction to see how we call help. We have the resources, repair materials, and expertise to reinforce your facility and keep production moving forward.