Loading docks are busy, hectic places that can cause a lot of noise and deal with dirt and debris coming in from the exterior of the bay. To cut down on the disruption to adjacent areas in the facility, industrial bump and swing impact doors are installed. This allows separation while maintaining relatively easy passage.

Industrial bump and swing impact doors are a vital component in the operation of many businesses, warehouses, and other industrial facilities. They also provide a measure of safety, by controlling the speed at which people enter or exit, helping to reduce the risk of injury and accidents.

The most commonly used type of industrial bump and swing door is hinged, which consists of two pairs of panels connected with hinges around the frame. The doors are designed to be “bumped” open instead of using a handle or knob. This allows forklift or pallet jacks operators to go through the entryway without having to take time to manually open the doors.

Built for durability, bump and swing doors have additional features for added lifespans. Either metal plating or large bumpers are placed where materials come into contact with it. These reinforcements take a lot of the damage, leaving the door mostly unscathed. Depending on the hinges and construction of the traffic door, they are able to withstand higher speeds.

Because these doors are used on the interior of the plant or facility, there are usually no locking mechanisms. This prevents users from crashing into locked doors and either ruining inventory or materials as well as protecting the door and the framing of the door.

Other Bump and Swing Impact Door Advantages

The main advantage of industrial bump and swing doors is providing environmental barriers between different areas of the facility. For example, if inventory needs to remain at certain temperatures in a high-traffic area, these doors provide a measure of insulation while still allowing for free-flowing traffic.

These doors can help control air pressure within an area by controlling airflow between two sections thereby maintaining proper temperature levels. This reduces energy costs associated with climate control in certain areas by increasing insulation efficiency. They aren’t airtight, so they aren’t recommended for freezer applications.

The doors also offer noise reduction as well. Whether it’s the storage area of a grocery store, between the lobby and service bays at an auto shop, or even larger applications. You’ll be able to conduct business while noise from busy or high-traffic areas is kept to a minimum.

Industrial bump and swing doors are also seen as a safe investment from an infrastructure point of view. They have fewer maintenance requirements when compared to other types of door systems. Improved durability over time, operational efficiency due to their quick opening speeds, reduced energy consumption cost savings, and better user experience make these doors ideal industrial solutions.