Height Safety

 In Blog, Workplace Safety

Falls are one of the most common workplace injuries on industrial or commercial worksites. A fall is not only harmful to the person injured, but it can also cause a major headache for businesses in the way of lost money, manpower, and productivity. Keeping height safety and fall prevention in mind can help minimize workplace accidents and keep your employees safer.

In many cases, providing adequate fall protection is required by law. The Occupational Safety and Health Organization requires employers to provide a safe workplace. Employers must provide all of the proper personal protective equipment (such as safety harnesses for those working at heights) and infrastructure (handrails, secure catwalks, etc.). But other operational guidelines should be followed to keep the job site safe. Here are a few simple steps to protect your workers at your facility or other worksites.

Provide your employees the right gear for height safety

Personal protective equipment and fall protection gear are some of the best things you can do for your employees and their safety. This is especially true when your employees are working on catwalks or other areas that are high off the ground. Ensure all guardrails, scaffolding, and ladders are secure and in place whenever your employees are working high up.

Invest time in training about height safety

You can provide all of the best guidelines and practices, but if you don’t properly train your employee on fall safety and prevention, then it’s a waste. Make sure your employees understand the dangers of working in commercial or industrial workspaces. Make sure they know what safety resources are available to them.

Increase lighting

Fall accidents often occur because the lighting is not adequate. Keep work areas well-lit so any obstacles or hazards are clearly visible. Ensure there are no glares or shadows that could cause confusion for the employee or create greater eye fatigue.

Keep a clean and tidy workspace

Messy workspaces create a higher chance of injuries. Work tools or electrical cords on the ground create tripping hazards. Encourage your employees to clean up after themselves as they go; it is an ongoing process. You can even outline simple housekeeping rules at the worksite that include action items that include:

  • Keep exits and aisles clear
  • Clean up spills and leaks
  • Remove waste materials (paper, cardboard, etc)

Stay organized

Cleanliness is important, but being organized is also key when it comes to workplace safety. Make sure that obstacles in walkways, corridors, stairways, and aisles are removed.

Work With Safety Professionals

Safety is job one at Storee Construction, both for our employees and others at the job site. In addition to following all OSHA guidelines while at a job site, we provide safety audits for your industrial, manufacturing, or commercial facilities. Billions of dollars are lost every year on avoidable injuries, but the well-being of your workers should be a priority regardless.

If your facility is in dire need of safety upgrades, contact Storee Construction. Not only will your employees thank you, but you’ll also steer clear of any fines, fees, and other costs associated with failures that inspections uncover. We’ll work around your schedule to keep lost productivity to a minimum.